Sunday, November 9, 2014

And they say I think too much.

Reincarnation isn't something that I can honestly say that I've experienced.  I have no memories of a past life, no mistakes from a previous attempt at living to learn from.  Without being able to learn from your mistakes, why bother with reincarnation?  Its something that seems downright pointless if you're not going to retain any memories from one life to the next.  Matter cannot be created or destroyed - I'm sure I've heard this somewhere - but does the same go for consciousness?  Is it simply a matter of limited resources that causes a need for soul recycling?  I will say, the endless cycle of the phoenix dying and rising again from the ashes is a comforting and interesting topic, but it is not one to which I can subscribe.

I generally feel that most people do not give the human race enough credit.  Everyone has a different way of giving our successes to another source, while keeping our failures.  Is it so difficult to believe that we can create anything but destruction?  There are those who claim that we came from aliens wanting to create a slave race for mining.  It can be hard to believe that our technologies could possibly have come to be so advanced so quickly, I understand.  As a species, we have a history of being very savage towards one another, which can make the idea of any form of advancement seem like a fantasy, I get it.  We are often a guilty lot, us humans, but that doesn't mean we can't channel that energy and spirit into a multitude of positive directions.  People believed long ago that artistic inspiration came only from a divine source; truly, some people believe this still today.  Why do we have so much trouble having faith in our species, but we are so willing to place that faith into unsolvable mysteries?  We are the most amazing creatures that have ever existed, despite our learned flaws.  Creating wars or works of art, bridges or bonds, memories or fallacies, we are a creature that exceeds all others.

 It is up to each individual person to decide how they will direct themselves in this world, but it may do us well to remember that the choices we make will also help to navigate the course of the entire species.  What we do for ourselves places each of us in the role of ambassador to the rest of the world.  How we feel about ourselves can be quite contagious.  How we feel about the rest of the world is most certainly an epidemic thought.  A midst all of this, our attitudes will serve as that compass.  Before you start on your journey, look around you.  Take a step forward and then turn back to see.  Who is following you?

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